Each week we publish the audio OK Playlist on Tuesday's followed by the YouTube (video) OK Playlist on Thursdays. The video playlist mimics the audio playlist, but includes alternate artists versions and alternate takes of the songs. Other posts throughout the week will pertain mostly to music and having fun with kids. If you like what we are doing, please help us by leaving a comment and sharing our site with others.

The Definitive Playground List

>> 6/7/10

I was scouring the web the other day in search of the definitive playground map for all of the playgrounds in my area.  A site (maybe a google map overlay) that not only showed all of the playgrounds in Nashville, but in any given city.  I was surprised to find that no one site had them all. I finally found one through Nashville Parks and Recreations, but it even lacked a few that I know of.
KaBOOM.org has a pretty extensive playground list in some of the major cities and even offers some photos and reviews.

A little tip:  If you are ever curious of the "other" playgrounds out there...start your search at your local parks and recreation department and expand from there.


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